Database of cinema, music, history and literature

when love was blind (1917)

Original title: when love was blind
Production: USA| |


Production and Screenplay

Agnes Christine johnstonsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Florence La badieFlorence La badie(età:29)
(eleanor grayson)
Thomas A. curran
(suo padre)
Boyd Marshall
(burton lester)
Harris Gordon
(frank hargreave)
Gladys Leslie
(vera hargreave)
Ida Darling(età:37)
(la zia di burton)
Henry Leone
((con il nome henri leon))
Anna Osgood
(anna osgood)
Lucille Gervais
(lucille gervais)
Arthur Le vien
(arthur le vien)
Clay Carroll
(clay carroll)
Samuel N. niblack
(samuel n. niblack)
grace henderson