Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the darkest hour (1919)

Original title: the darkest hour
Production: USA| |


Paul ScardonPaul Scardonregista

Production and Screenplay

Garfield Thompsonsceneggiatore
Edward J. montagnesceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Harry T. moreyHarry T. morey(età:46)
(peter schuyler)
Anna Lehr(età:29)
(marion dinsmore)
Jean Paige(età:24)
(justine bouvier)
George Howard (attore)
(dottor robert culver)
George Howard (attore)
(george howard)
George Majeroni
(lee uastin)
Robert GaillardRobert Gaillard(età:51)
(joe bouvier)
Louis WolheimLouis Wolheim(età:39)
(louis marcotte)
Henry HallamHenry Hallam
(mr. dinsmore)
H.h. Pattee
(h.h. pattee)
Jane Jennings
(mrs. dinsmore)