Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the cowboy's adopted child (1912)

Original title: the cowboy's adopted child
Production: USA| |


Production and Screenplay

Frank Montgomerysceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Tom SantschiTom Santschi(età:32)
(jack norton)
Roy Watson(età:36)
(george fowler)
Eugenie BessererEugenie Besserer(età:44)
(sarah fowler)
ManGeorge Hernandez(età:49)
(il cuoco)
Frank Clark (attore)Frank Clark (attore)(età:55)
(frank clark)
Frank Clark (attore)Frank Clark (attore)(età:55)
(il negoziante)
Al Ernest garciaAl Ernest garcia(età:25)
(dan mason)
Baby Gertrude
(baby gertrude)