Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the chorus girl's romance (1920)

Original title: the chorus girl's romance
Production: USA|60 min| black and white| mute


Production and Screenplay

ManPercy Heathsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Viola DanaViola Dana(età:23)
(marcia meadows)
Gareth Hughes(età:26)
(horace tarbox)
Phil Ainsworth
(steve reynolds)
William Quinn
(p.p. anderson)
Jere Sundin
(betty darrell)
Sidney De gray
(fred ward)
Lawrence GrantLawrence Grant(età:50)
(jose brasswine)
Tom Gallery
(charlie moon)
Edward Jobson
(dottor tarbox)
Martin Best
(f.w. jordon)
Anne SchaeferAnne Schaefer(età:50)
(zia Emma)
Dorothy Gordon
(miss wilson)
William V. mong(età:45)
(professor dillinger)

Technical staff

A.e. Freudemanscenografo
John Arnolddirettore della fotografia