Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Tangled Lives (1918)

Original title: tangled lives
Production: USA| black and white| mute
Poster of movie Tangled Lives


Paul ScardonPaul Scardonregista

Production and Screenplay

Garfield Thompsonsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Charles Kent(età:66)
(colonnello west)
Eulalie JensenEulalie Jensen(età:34)
(cora west)
Betty BlytheBetty Blythe(età:25)
(hilda howland)
Harry T. moreyHarry T. morey(età:45)
(john howland)
Jean Paige(età:23)
(lola maynard)
George Majeroni
(paul west)
Albert Roccardi(età:54)
(peter hyde)