Database of cinema, music, history and literature

song of the south (1946)

Original title: song of the south
Production: USA|94 min|
Comedy, Animation, Musical

Festivals and awards


Wilfred Jacksonregista
Harve Fosterregista

Production and Screenplay

Bill PeetBill Peetsceneggiatore
Ralph Wrightsceneggiatore
Walt DisneyWalt Disneyproduttore
Maurice Rapfsceneggiatore
Vernon Stallingssceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Bobby DriscollBobby Driscoll(età:9)
(bobby driscoll)
James Baskett(età:42)
(zio Tom)
Luana PattenLuana Patten(età:8)
(luana patten)
Glenn Leedy(età:11)
(glenn leedy)
Ruth WarrickRuth Warrick(età:30)
Lucile WatsonLucile Watson(età:67)
Hattie McdanielHattie Mcdaniel(età:53)
(hattie mcdaniel)
Erik Rolf
Mary FieldMary Field(età:37)
(mary field)

Technical staff

Gregg Tolanddirettore della fotografia
Perry Fergusonscenografo
Mary Willscostumista
William Morganmontatore
Charles WolcottCharles Wolcottmusiche
Allie WrubelAllie Wrubelmusiche
Ray Gilbertmusiche
Ub Iwerkseffetti speciali

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1946)

Luciano De AmbrosisLuciano De Ambrosis Voice of John
Fabio BoccaneraFabio Boccanera Voice of Toby