Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Wish You Weren't Here (1981)

Original title: wish you weren't here
Production: UK| tv series
robin struggles to get to grips with the complex art of changing a nappy, mr. nicholls shocks his son-in-law with a weeks' holiday in tenerife, and a temporary chef sent by an agency turns out to be totally unsuitable.


Production and Screenplay

Peter Frazer-jonesproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Tony BrittonTony Britton(età:57)
David KellyDavid Kelly(età:52)
Tessa WyattTessa Wyatt(età:33)
George Layton(età:38)

Technical staff

Alex Clarkescenografo
Ann Briggstruccatore
Caroline Ryboltcostumista