Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Anniversary Waltz (1981)

Original title: anniversary waltz
Production: UK| tv series
mr. nicholls finds a few problems when he checks the bistro's expenses, vicky tells robin that a booking clashes with their wedding anniversary, and the arrival of a coach party brings a need for an alternative menu.


Production and Screenplay

Peter Frazer-jonesproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Tony BrittonTony Britton(età:57)
David KellyDavid Kelly(età:52)
Stella Tanner(età:56)
Tessa WyattTessa Wyatt(età:33)
Raymond Brody(età:41)
Stella Moray(età:58)

Technical staff

John Wrightmontatore
Alex Clarkescenografo
Ann Briggstruccatore
Caroline Ryboltcostumista