Database of cinema, music, history and literature

A Fearful Thing: Part 1 (1982)

Original title: a fearful thing: part 1
| tv series|


Bruce Bestregista

Production and Screenplay

David Boutlandscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Ken Goodlet(età:61)
Grant DodwellGrant Dodwell(età:30)
Helen Scott(età:67)
Penny CookPenny Cook(età:25)
Gordon PiperGordon Piper(età:50)
Joyce JacobsJoyce Jacobs(età:60)
Brian WenzelBrian Wenzel(età:53)
May Pusey(età:65)

Technical staff

Mike PerjanikMike Perjanikmusiche
ManGraeme Andrewsmontatore
ManSteve Muirscenografo