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The Night the World Ended (1957)

Original title: the night the world ended
Production: USA|30 min| black and white| tv series
Comedy, Horror, Dramatic, Thriller
a newsman plays a joke on a homeless man by showing him a fake article that says the world is going end that night, but the prank has deadly results.


Justus Addissregista

Production and Screenplay

Joan HarrisonJoan Harrisonproduttore
Fredric BrownFredric Brownscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Harry ShearerHarry Shearer(età:14)
Robert EllisRobert Ellis(età:65)
Henry CordenHenry Corden(età:37)
Edith Barrett(età:50)
Bart Burns(età:39)
Paul BrinegarPaul Brinegar(età:40)
Clark HowatClark Howat(età:39)
Michael RossMichael Ross(età:46)
Ned Wever(età:58)
Joseph Marr(età:41)
Robert Ross(età:48)

Technical staff

ManEdward W.williamsmontatore
Joseph LashelleJoseph Lashelledirettore della fotografia
Martin ObzinaMartin Obzinascenografo
Jack BarronJack Barrontruccatore
James Reddarredatore
Florence BushFlorence Bushparrucchiere