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I Am Curious... Maddie (1987)

Original title: i am curious... maddie
Production: USA|60 min| tv series
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic
the battle between sam and david continues and became serious when sam proposed to maddie. she is non-committal with her answer but it forces david to think about how he feels about maddie. sam and david end up having a fight.


Allan Arkushregista

Production and Screenplay

Artie MandelbergArtie Mandelbergproduttore
Ron Osbornproduttore
Ron Osbornscrittore
Jeff Renoproduttore
Karen HallKaren Hallproduttore
Karen HallKaren Hallscrittore
Charles h. Egleescrittore
Roger Directorproduttore
Roger Directorscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Bruce WillisBruce Willis(età:32)
Mark HarmonMark Harmon(età:36)
Gary ColeGary Cole(età:31)

Technical staff

Alf Clausenmusiche
Robert Turturicecostumista
Mel Cooperarredatore
James j. Agazziscenografo