Database of cinema, music, history and literature

nebel und sonne (1916)

Original title: nebel und sonne
Production: USA| |


Joe MayJoe Mayregista

Production and Screenplay

Joe MayJoe Mayproduttore
Joe MayJoe Maysceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Mia MayMia May(età:32)
(ruth löwenberg)
Max Landa(età:43)
(conte marlitz)
Joe Konradi
(abraham löwenberg)
Wilhelm DiegelmannWilhelm Diegelmann(età:55)
(wilhelm diegelmann)
Victor JansonVictor Janson(età:32)
(victor janson)
Hans Mierendorff
(hans mierendorff)
Kissa Von sievers
(kissa von sievers)
Fritz Richard
(fritz richard)

Technical staff

Max Fassbenderdirettore della fotografia