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Major Fred C. Dobbs (1973)

Original title: major fred c. dobbs
Production: USA|25 min| tv series
Comedy, Dramatic, War
frank applies for a transfer out of the 4077, and hawkeye and trapper can't resist broadcasting his goodbye to margaret through the camp p.a. the prospect of gold in the region gives frank second thoughts.


Don WeisDon Weisregista

Production and Screenplay

Gene ReynoldsGene Reynoldsproduttore
Burt MetcalfeBurt Metcalfeproduttore
Sid Dorfmanscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Alan AldaAlan Alda(età:37)
Gary BurghoffGary Burghoff(età:30)
Loretta SwitLoretta Swit(età:36)
Wayne RogersWayne Rogers(età:40)

Technical staff

ManStuart A. Reissarredatore
Jack Senterscenografo
Fred W. Bergermontatore
William k. Jurgensendirettore della fotografia