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Sister's Keeper (1988)

Original title: sister's keeper
Production: USA| tv series
Thriller, Horror
in this follow-up to "no more mr. nice guy," the twin daughters of the cop who killed freddy find that whenever one is attacked by the man of their dreams, the other is wounded. so the sisters team up to try to get freddy out of their dreams for good.


Ken Wiederhornregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert ShayeRobert Shayeproduttore esecutivo
Jeff Freilichproduttore esecutivo
Jeff Freilichscrittore
Gilbert AdlerGilbert Adlerproduttore
Jonathan R. Betuelproduttore
Marcus Keysproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Robin Antin(età:27)
Jeff Bennett(età:26)
Josh CoxxJosh Coxx(età:24)
Chip Hipkins(età:41)

Technical staff

David Callowaydirettore della fotografia
Mick Strawnscenografo
Kevin Yaghertruccatore
Anthony Barnaocasting
Patti Brandparrucchiere
Lisa LondonLisa Londoncasting
Daniel Marcparrucchiere
Junior Homrichmusiche
Randy Ticomusiche
Gino CrognaleGino Crognaletruccatore
Chip Masamitsumontatore
Linda Triandosarredatore
Vince Tremontiparrucchiere