Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Dead Man's Channel (1981)

Original title: dead man's channel
Production: USA|49 min| tv series
Dramatic, Action, Adventure
a young college student hires magnum to find her father, an archaeologist. his boat was found adrift in nehoa channel, an area that local hawaiians believe is cursed and non-hawaiians should not enter.


Ray AustinRay Austinregista

Production and Screenplay

Donald P.bellisarioDonald P.bellisarioproduttore esecutivo
Glen A.larsonGlen A.larsonproduttore esecutivo
Douglas Greenproduttore
Andrew Schneiderproduttore
Gilbert M. Shiltonproduttore
Diane Frolovscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Larry ManettiLarry Manetti(età:34)
Tom SelleckTom Selleck(età:36)
Ina BalinIna Balin(età:44)
Jeff MacKayJeff MacKay(età:33)

Technical staff

Pete CarpenterPete Carpentermusiche
Mike PostMike Postmusiche
Adrian Gortonscenografo
Mark Maliscasting
Bob Kageymontatore
Jan van Uchelenparrucchiere
Sherman Kunkeldirettore della fotografia
Buck Henshawarredatore

Voices and Dubbing