Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Party 2 (1982)

Original title: la boum 2
Production: France|109 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie The Party 2
vulnerable and impressionable teenage girl continues to experience sorrows and joys of adult life.
This movie is episode 2 of the series Boum composed by:

Festivals and awards


Claude Pinoteauregista

Production and Screenplay

Danielle ThompsonDanielle Thompsonsceneggiatore
Claude Pinoteausceneggiatore
Alain Poiréproduttore
Marcel Dassaultproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Sophie MarceauSophie Marceau(età:16)
(victoire "vic" berreton)
Claude BrasseurClaude Brasseur(età:46)
(françois berreton)
Brigitte FosseyBrigitte Fossey(età:36)
(françoise berreton)
Pierre CossoPierre Cosso(età:21)
(philippe berthier)
Denise GreyDenise Grey(età:86)
(poupette valadier)
Lambert WilsonLambert Wilson(età:24)
(félix maréchal)
Sheila O'connorSheila O'connor(età:16)
(pénélope fontanet)
Alexandra GoninAlexandra Gonin(età:15)
(samantha fontanet)
Jean-michel Dupuis(età:27)
(étienne lanier)
Alexandre Sterling(età:16)
Christopher Beaunay
paolo ferrari
Marie BunelMarie Bunel(età:21)
Robert E.ball(età:67)
Daniel Russo(età:34)
Robert DalbanRobert Dalban(età:79)
Jean Leuvrais(età:57)
Xavier Gelin(età:36)
Hélène Hily(età:45)

Technical staff

Vladimir CosmaVladimir Cosmamusiche
Marc Balzarelliarredatore
Nicole Bizecostumista
Gérard Viardscenografo
Muriel Baurenstruccatore
Edmond SechanEdmond Sechandirettore della fotografia
Daniel Mourguesparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1982)