Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Germ Warfare (1972)

Original title: germ warfare
Production: USA|25 min| tv series
Dramatic, Comedy, War
after tapping frank burns for blood, hawkeye and trapper's patient develops complications. they believe frank has hepatitis and try to keep frank from operating.


Terry BeckerTerry Beckerregista

Production and Screenplay

Larry Gelbartscrittore
Gene ReynoldsGene Reynoldsproduttore
Burt MetcalfeBurt Metcalfeproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Alan AldaAlan Alda(età:36)
Gary BurghoffGary Burghoff(età:29)
Loretta SwitLoretta Swit(età:35)
Wayne RogersWayne Rogers(età:39)
Timothy Brown(età:35)
Karen PhilippKaren Philipp(età:27)
Robert Gooden(età:31)

Technical staff

Johnny MandelJohnny Mandelmusiche
ManStuart A. Reissarredatore
Jack Senterscenografo
Stanford TischlerStanford Tischlermontatore
William k. Jurgensendirettore della fotografia