Database of cinema, music, history and literature

An Innocent Man (1993)

Original title: an innocent man
Production: USA|47 min| tv series
Western, Action, Dramatic
a five-year-old case is coming to a close when a serial murderer is finally facing the death penalty. but everyone's dreams come back to haunt them and walker follows his instincts in believing that they got the wrong man scheduled to die.


Michael PreeceMichael Preeceregista

Production and Screenplay

John AshleyJohn Ashleyproduttore esecutivo
Frank Lupoproduttore esecutivo
Peter Lanceproduttore
Charles Hollandscrittore
Harold ApterHarold Apterscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Leo BurmesterLeo Burmester(età:49)
Chuck NorrisChuck Norris(età:53)
Alissa Alban(età:30)
Don Fischer(età:34)

Technical staff

Troy Takakimontatore
Frank E. johnsondirettore della fotografia
Ilona Bobaktruccatore
Jack Martyscenografo
Mary Jo SlaterMary Jo Slatercasting
Julie Janes-loveparrucchiere
Rob Edlesonarredatore
Janet lucas Lawlercostumista