Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Road Less Travelled (1986)

Original title: the road less travelled
30 min| tv series
Dramatic, Horror, Science fiction, Thriller
vietnam-era draft dodger jeff mcdowell sees something familiar about a wheelchair-bound man who has appeared in his house unexpectedly.


Wes CravenWes Cravenregista

Production and Screenplay

Rockne S.o'bannonRockne S.o'bannonscrittore
Anthony Lawrenceproduttore
George r.r. MartinGeorge r.r. Martinscrittore
Harvey Frandproduttore
Ken Sworproduttore
Nancy Lawrenceproduttore
Howard Brockproduttore
Hali Paulproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

John Zarchen(età:25)

Technical staff

Bradford Maydirettore della fotografia
Dennis MccarthyDennis Mccarthymusiche
Jack I Wilsontruccatore
John B. Mansbridgescenografo
Robert L. zillioxarredatore
Robert M. moorecostumista
Greg Wongmontatore
Gloria Montemayorparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing