Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Day the Tree Blooms (1961)

Original title: kde reky mají slunce
96 min| black and white
Poster of movie The Day the Tree Blooms

Festivals and awards


Václav KrskaVáclav Krskaregista

Production and Screenplay

Václav KrskaVáclav Krskasceneggiatore
Jirí Cirklsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Ludek Munzar(età:28)
Bedrich Vrbsk%C3%BD
(miller bilanský)
Vilém Besser
(jirí hladík)
Jan Pohan(età:31)
Karel Hábl(età:25)

Technical staff

Jan Kohoutmontatore
Josef Illíkdirettore della fotografia