Database of cinema, music, history and literature

One Cut of the Dead (2017)

Original title: kamera o tomeru na!
Production: Japan|96 min
Comedy, Horror, Fantasy
Poster of movie One Cut of the Dead
things go badly for a hack director and film crew shooting a low budget zombie movie in an abandoned wwii japanese facility, when they are attacked by real zombies.
The same story is the basis of the movies:
The same story is the basis of the movies:


Production and Screenplay

Shin'ichiro Uedasceneggiatore
Koji Ichihashiproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Takayuki Hamatsu(età:36)
(higurashi, il regista)
Manabu Hosoi
Shinichiro Osawa
(kosawa, il produttore)
Yoshiko Takehara
Kazuaki Nagaya
(kazuaki kamiya / ben)
Yuzuki Akiyama(età:24)
(aika matsumoto)
Harumi Syuhama
(harumi higurashi)
Mao Higurashi
(mao higurashi)
aiuto regista

Technical staff

Shin'ichiro Uedamontatore
Takeshi Sonedirettore della fotografia
Kyle Nagaimusiche
Kôkichi Komodascenografo
Yukiya Minamicostumista
Junko Hirabayashitruccatore
Junko Hirabayashiparrucchiere
Kazuhide Shimohatatruccatore
Kazuhide Shimohataeffetti speciali
Nobuhiro Suzukimusiche
Shôma Itômusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2017)

Roberta Maraini Voice of aiuto regista
Annalisa Platania Voice of no-nao