Database of cinema, music, history and literature

kadosh (1999)

Original title: ???? / kadosh
Production: USA|116 min|
Dramatic, Psychological
Poster of movie kadosh
jerusalem: meir and rivka, who have been married for ten years, live in the ultra-orthodox jewish quarter of mea sharim. since they cannot have children, the rabbi of the community requires meir to repudiate his wife; he, although in love, accepts. rivka leaves the house and sinks into solitude. his sister malka is in love with yaakov, who lives outside the community. the rabbi wants to give her to his assistant, but the girl, given also the suffering of rivka, finds the strength to rebel.


Amos GitaiAmos Gitairegista

Production and Screenplay

Amos GitaiAmos Gitaiproduttore
Amos GitaiAmos Gitaisceneggiatore
Michel Propperproduttore
Jacky Cukiersceneggiatore
Eliette AbecassisEliette Abecassissceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Yael AbecassisYael Abecassis(età:32)
Yussuf Abu-Warda(età:46)
(rav shimon)
Yoram HattabYoram Hattab(età:33)
Lea Koenig
Sami Hori
Rivka Michaeli(età:61)
Uri KlauznerUri Klauzner(età:36)

Technical staff

Renato BertaRenato Bertadirettore della fotografia
Miguel Markinscenografo
Laura Dinulascocostumista
Monica Colemanmontatore
Kobi Netanelmontatore
Philippe Eidelmusiche
Louis SclavisLouis Sclavismusiche
Laura Dinulescocostumista