Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Gray (1997)

Original title: gray
Production: Canada| tv series
Action, Thriller, Dramatic
after infiltrating section one's computer system and stealing a directory containing the identity of every operative in section one, a criminal named harding arranges a secret auction between section one and a ruthless terrorist...


Ken Girottiregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert Cochranscrittore
Jay FirestoneJay Firestoneproduttore esecutivo
Jamie paul Rockproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Carlo RotaCarlo Rota(età:36)
Roy DupuisRoy Dupuis(età:34)
Peta WilsonPeta Wilson(età:27)
Don FrancksDon Francks(età:65)
Anthony LemkeAnthony Lemke(età:41)

Technical staff

Michael Storeydirettore della fotografia
Deirdre Bowencasting
Laurie Drewcostumista
Traci Loadertruccatore
Sean CallerySean Callerymusiche
Stephanie Ingramparrucchiere
Debi Drennantruccatore
David B. Thompsonmontatore
Terry Warehamscenografo
Caroline Geearredatore
Rocco Matteoscenografo