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The Pluto File (1976)

Original title: the pluto file
Production: USA|50 min| tv series
Dramatic, Action, Science fiction
a scientist develops a method of making earthquakes. later a german spy steals his work. steve tries to find out what he is going to do with it. but they also find out he's infected with bubonic plague.


Production and Screenplay

ManArnold F.turnerproduttore
Douglas s. CramerDouglas s. Cramerproduttore esecutivo
Herb Bermannscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Lynda CarterLynda Carter(età:21)
Kenneth TigarKenneth Tigar(età:34)
Robert ReedRobert Reed(età:44)
Peter Brandon(età:50)
Hayden RorkeHayden Rorke(età:66)
Lyle WaggonerLyle Waggoner(età:41)
Bob HarksBob Harks(età:49)

Technical staff

Bill Mclaughlinarredatore
Karl Silveratruccatore
Artie Kanemusiche
Carroll Saxmontatore
Millie Gussecasting
Frederick p. Hopescenografo
Cheri Ruffparrucchiere
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