Database of cinema, music, history and literature

hypnotica (2002)

Original title: doctor sleep
Production: USA|108 min| |


Nick Willingregista

Interpreters and Characters

Shirley HendersonShirley Henderson(età:37)
(janet losey)
Goran VisnjicGoran Visnjic(età:30)
(michael strother)
Miranda OttoMiranda Otto(età:35)
(clara strother)
Sophie StuckeySophie Stuckey(età:11)
John Rogan(età:134)
(francis paladine)
Claire RushbrookClaire Rushbrook(età:31)
Lauren Gabrielle volpert
(martha strother)
Sarah WoodwardSarah Woodward(età:39)
(hilary ash)
Corin RedgraveCorin Redgrave(età:63)
Paddy ConsidinePaddy Considine(età:29)
(elliot spruggs)
Fiona ShawFiona Shaw(età:44)