Database of cinema, music, history and literature

farelavita (2001)

Original title: farelavita
Production: Italy|100 min|
Dramatic, Psychological
the young neapolitan antonello beats the pavement in turin under the pseudonym of rosatigre. over time he established an affectionate relationship with his failed teacher, colleague wanda. the two exchange confidences and dreams, but the hardness of the road will divide them.


Production and Screenplay

Filippo TimiFilippo Timisceneggiatore
Tonino De Bernardisceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Filippo TimiFilippo Timi(età:27)
Lucia MascinoLucia Mascino(età:24)

Technical staff

Filippo TimiFilippo Timimusiche
Alessandro Deimusiche
Tonino De Bernardidirettore della fotografia
Piero Lassandromontatore