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dear ex (2018)

Original title: dear ex
100 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie dear ex
a teenage boy and his mother are further driven apart when they find out that his father's life insurance policy is to be received by his lover.


Mag Hsuregista
Chih-Yen Hsuregista

Production and Screenplay

Mag Hsusceneggiatore
Shih-yuan Luproduttore
Shih-yuan Lusceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Roy Chiu(età:37)
Spark Chen(età:49)
Fang Wan(età:51)
Yilin Yang(età:55)

Technical staff

Yu Chencostumista
Lei Chen-chingmontatore
Jhih Peng Lindirettore della fotografia
Chen-Ching Leimontatore
Ying-Hung Leemusiche

Music tracks of the soundtrack