Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Teachers' Lounge (2023)

Original title: das lehrerzimmer
98 min
Poster of movie The Teachers' Lounge

Festivals and awards


Ilker ÇatakIlker Çatakregista

Production and Screenplay

Ilker ÇatakIlker Çataksceneggiatore
Johannes Dunckersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

friederike kuhn
Eva LöbauEva Löbau(età:51)
lore semnik
vanessa könig
carla nowak
thomas liebenwerda
milosz dudek

Technical staff

Barbara Kreuzertruccatore
Judith KaufmannJudith Kaufmanndirettore della fotografia
Marvin Millermusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2023)