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Lies and Whispers (2020)

Original title: lies and whispers
21 min| tv series
Comedy, Romantic
when larry warns will and grace about the entry process into the elite school they want their kids to go to, they set out to prove that their child would be the better candidate; jack creates problems between karen and her booty buddy.


James BurrowsJames Burrowsregista

Production and Screenplay

Adam BarrAdam Barrscrittore
Mariel Manimtimproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Tim BagleyTim Bagley(età:63)
Debra MessingDebra Messing(età:52)
Sean HayesSean Hayes(età:50)
Demi LovatoDemi Lovato(età:28)

Technical staff

Robert Pickenstruccatore
Julie Ashtoncasting
Peter d. Beytmontatore
Gary Baumdirettore della fotografia
Joseph Fultonmontatore