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The Apu Trilogy Part 3 - The World of Apu (1959)

Original title: apur sansar
105 min| black and white
Poster of movie The Apu Trilogy Part 3 - The World of Apu
This movie is episode 3 of the series Apu Trilogy composed by:

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Satyajit RaySatyajit Rayregista

Production and Screenplay

Satyajit RaySatyajit Rayproduttore
Satyajit RaySatyajit Raysceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Dhiren Ghosh
(padrone di casa)
Soumitra ChatterjeeSoumitra Chatterjee(età:24)
(apurba roy)
Sharmila TagoreSharmila Tagore(età:13)
Sefalika Devi
(moglie di shashinarayan)
Dhiresh Majumdar

Technical staff

Ravi ShankarRavi Shankarmusiche
Subrata MitraSubrata Mitradirettore della fotografia
Dulal Duttamontatore
Bansi Chandraguptascenografo