Database of cinema, music, history and literature

BAFTA award 1999 (april 11, 1999)

the british academy of film and television arts (bafta) is a british organization that has awarded cinematographic, television and interactive works since 1948.

Edition number 52 of the event; awards assigned:

Best Film from any Source

poster del film shakespeare in love
  for the movie shakespeare in love
nominations for the movie :

Miglior film non in lingua inglese

poster del film central do brasil
  for the movie central do brasil
nominations for the movie :

BAFTA Award for Best Director

poster del film the truman show
  for the movie the truman show
Assigned to
Peter Weir
nominations for the movie :

Migliore sceneggiatura non originale

poster del film primary colors
  for the movie primary colors
Assigned to
Elaine May
nominations for the movie :

BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role

poster del film Life Is Beautiful
  for the movie Life Is Beautiful
Assigned to
Roberto Benigni
nominations for the movie :

BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role

poster del film elizabeth
  for the movie elizabeth
Assigned to
Cate Blanchett
nominations for the movie :

Migliore attore non protagonista

poster del film elizabeth
  for the movie elizabeth
Assigned to
Geoffrey Rush
nominations for the movie :

Migliore attrice non protagonista

poster del film shakespeare in love
  for the movie shakespeare in love
Assigned to
Judi Dench
nominations for the movie :

Migliore fotografia

poster del film elizabeth
  for the movie elizabeth
Assigned to
Remi Adefarasin
nominations for the movie :

Migliori musiche

poster del film elizabeth
  for the movie elizabeth
Assigned to
David Hirschfelder
nominations for the movie :

Miglior montaggio

poster del film shakespeare in love
  for the movie shakespeare in love
Assigned to
David Gamble
nominations for the movie :

Migliori costumi

poster del film velvet goldmine
  for the movie velvet goldmine
Assigned to
Sandy Powell
nominations for the movie :

Migliore scenografia

poster del film the truman show
  for the movie the truman show
Assigned to
Dennis Gassner
nominations for the movie :

Best make-up

poster del film elizabeth
  for the movie elizabeth
Assigned to
Jenny Shircore
nominations for the movie :