Database of cinema, music, history and literature

César 2022 (february 25, 2022)

le prix césar est un prix du cinéma décerné par l'académie des arts et techniques du cinéma depuis 1976.

Edition number 47 of the event; awards assigned:

Meilleur film

poster del film Lost Illusions
  for the movie Lost Illusions
nominations for the movie :

Meilleur film d'animation

poster del film The Summit of the Gods
  for the movie The Summit of the Gods
nominations for the movie :

Meilleur réalisateur

poster del film Annette
  for the movie Annette
Assigned to
Leos Carax
nominations for the movie :

Meilleure actrice

poster del film Aline
  for the movie Aline
Assigned to
Valérie Lemercier
nominations for the movie :

Meilleur acteur

poster del film Peaceful
  for the movie Peaceful
Assigned to
Benoit Magimel
nominations for the movie :

best supporting actor

poster del film Lost Illusions
  for the movie Lost Illusions
Assigned to
Vincent Lacoste
nominations for the movie :

best supporting actress

poster del film The Divide
  for the movie The Divide
Assigned to
Aïssatou Diallo Sagna
nominations for the movie :

best photography

poster del film Lost Illusions
  for the movie Lost Illusions
Assigned to
Christophe Beaucarne
nominations for the movie :

best score

poster del film Annette
  for the movie Annette
Assigned to
Russell Mael, Ron Mael
nominations for the movie :

best editing

poster del film Annette
  for the movie Annette
Assigned to
Nelly Quettier
nominations for the movie :

best costumes

poster del film Lost Illusions
  for the movie Lost Illusions
Assigned to
Pierre-Jean Larroque
nominations for the movie :
poster del film Annette
Assigned to
Pascaline Chavanne
poster del film Aline
Assigned to
Catherine Leterrier
poster del film Eiffel
Assigned to
Thierry Delettre

Best production design

poster del film Lost Illusions
  for the movie Lost Illusions
Assigned to
Riton Dupire-clément
nominations for the movie :
poster del film Annette
Assigned to
Florian Sanson
poster del film Aline
Assigned to
Emmanuelle Duplay
poster del film Delicious
Assigned to
Bertrand Seitz

best documentary

poster del film The Velvet Queen
  for the movie The Velvet Queen
Assigned to
Marie Amiguet, Vincent Munier
nominations for the movie :

best visual special effects

poster del film Annette
  for the movie Annette
Assigned to
Guillaume Pondard
nominations for the movie :

Best debut/revelation

poster del film Magnetic Beats
  for the movie Magnetic Beats
Assigned to
Vincent Maël Cardona
nominations for the movie :

Young male hope

poster del film Lost Illusions
  for the movie Lost Illusions
Assigned to
Benjamin Voisin
nominations for the movie :

Young female hope

poster del film Happening
  for the movie Happening
Assigned to
Anamaria Vartolomei
nominations for the movie :