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David di Donatello 1976

the david di donatello is an italian film award, awarded by the ente david di donatello of the academy of italian cinema since 1956.

Edition number 21 of the event; awards assigned:

Migliore produzione

poster del film amici miei
  for the movie amici miei
Assigned to
Andrea Rizzoli
poster del film The Context
  for the movie The Context
Assigned to
Alberto Grimaldi

Migliore produzione straniera

poster del film Nashville
  for the movie Nashville
Assigned to
Robert Altman
poster del film Dog Day Afternoon
  for the movie Dog Day Afternoon
Assigned to
Martin Bregman, Martin Elfand

Miglior regista

poster del film The Context
  for the movie The Context
Assigned to
Francesco Rosi

Miglior regista straniero

poster del film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  for the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Assigned to
Miloš Forman
poster del film Three Days of the Condor
  for the movie Three Days of the Condor
Assigned to
Sydney Pollack
poster del film Nashville
  for the movie Nashville
Assigned to
Robert Altman

best actor

poster del film amici miei
  for the movie amici miei
Assigned to
Ugo Tognazzi
poster del film Duck in Orange Sauce
  for the movie Duck in Orange Sauce
Assigned to
Ugo Tognazzi
  for the movie marcia trionfale
Assigned to
Michele Placido
  for the movie giovannino
Assigned to
Christian De sica

best foreign actor

poster del film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  for the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Assigned to
Jack Nicholson
poster del film The Old Gun
  for the movie The Old Gun
Assigned to
Philippe Noiret

best actress

poster del film Duck in Orange Sauce
  for the movie Duck in Orange Sauce
Assigned to
Monica Vitti
  for the movie telefoni bianchi
Assigned to
Agostina Belli

best foreign actress

poster del film The Story of Adele H
  for the movie The Story of Adele H
Assigned to
Isabelle Adjani
poster del film hedda
  for the movie hedda
Assigned to
Glenda Jackson

best score

  for the movie l' innocente
Assigned to
Franco Mannino

david european

  for the movie zandy's bride
Assigned to
Jan Troell