Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Ciak d'oro 1993

the ciak d'oro is an award for italian cinema established by the film magazine ciak and awarded since 1986.

Edition number 8 of the event; awards assigned:

Miglior film

poster del film The Stolen Children
  for the movie The Stolen Children

Miglior regista

poster del film The Stolen Children
  for the movie The Stolen Children
Assigned to
Gianni Amelio

Migliore attore non protagonista

poster del film Another Life
  for the movie Another Life
Assigned to
Claudio Amendola
nominations for the movie :

Migliore montaggio

poster del film Stefano Quantestorie
  for the movie Stefano Quantestorie
Assigned to
Rita Rossi
nominations for the movie :

Migliore scenografia

poster del film Confortorio
  for the movie Confortorio
Assigned to
Paolo Barbi
nominations for the movie :

Migliore costumi

poster del film The Valley of Stone
  for the movie The Valley of Stone
Assigned to
Simonetta Leoncini
nominations for the movie :

Migliore sonoro in presa diretta

poster del film The Stolen Children
  for the movie The Stolen Children
Assigned to
Alessandro Zanon
nominations for the movie :